Best Designs

Best Designs

Best Designs featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Poly Tan Gim

Poly Tan Gim is located on the bank of the Pearl River in Liwan District, Guangzhou, close to the golden waterway of the Pearl River. How to interpret the language and emotion of the site was what the design team mainly taken into account. The project combines the life of the riverside neighborhood with the experience of Lingnan culture (refers to the culture of Guangdong and nearby provinces in southeast China), activates the daily life and functional activities around, and creates a community park both private and public.

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The challenge consisted in modernizing an old country house and turns it into a realm of peace and quiet, comprehensively working both on the architectural and landscape areas. The facade was renewed, civil work was did on the pavings and the swimmimg pool and retaining walls were built, creating new forge ironworks for the archways, walls and fences. Gardening, irrigation and the reservoir, as well as lightning, furniture and accessories were also comprehensively delt with.

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Riverside Study

The building was transformed from a warehouse to a study. In order to achieve creativity and integrity of the project, the design team takes into account the architecture, terrain and light, and extracts the design elements from the school badge and the red brick building, as well as from the form of natural growth of the plant. The interior and exterior spaces are strikingly beautiful under the natural conditions of site.

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Sorec Horse Park

Natural elements crafted this Horse Park in Rabat, Morocco to connect horse, people, and nature. The organization of the site allows people to enjoy the horse track as a park while seeing the race in the backdrop. The building and the car park allows a bigger central green space to be maximized. The circulation separates better, VIP, park visitors and jockey, but places of interests like the presentation round and horse walking path will connect everyone and everything together.

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Light Portal

Light Portal is masterplan of Yibin Highspeed Rail City. A reform of lifestyle recommends to all age all year round. Next to Yibin High Speed Rail Station which operated since June 2019, Yibin Greenland Centre comprises of 160m tall mixed-use Twin Towers integrate architecture and nature with the 1km long landscape boulevard. Yibin has a history for more than 4000 years, accumulating wisdom and culture just like the sediment in the river marked the development of Yibin. The Twin Towers serve as a light portal to guide visitors as well as a landmark for residents to assemble.

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Yong Quan

Travelling though the river of time, and discovering the history of an old sugar factory. Walking on the shore trail left with traces of the previous sugar factory railway, people can feel the historical atmosphere where the scenery of the circular trail surrounding the lake fascinatingly resembles a ring on lake telling everyone the history of the sugar factory. From the tour to Taichyu Factory of Teikoku Seitou K.K., people see not only the charm of vitality, also the complete history.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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