Best Designs

Best Designs

Best Designs featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Cultural Soul

The project uses water as the interface to generate multiple sections, echoing the village mode of Sleeping on Water in Taiping Book Town, and providing complete functions of Working, Living, Touring. The design quotes the concept of Taking Root in the Earth. The Library above the atrium visually leads the architecture group of the Literary Courtyard. Its vertical traffic becomes an extended corridor inside the building, which connects the entrance, exit and vertical flows, and weaves various scattered interior spaces.

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Yukyu En

“Yukyu En”, Garden of Eternity, consists of six gardens. Each plays a unique role in the process of saying goodbye to a loved one. The main garden is a modern kare-sansui viewing garden named “Tabidachi no iwa”, Garden for Setting Off on a Journey. The front part represents the present life, while the rare part, which features a single tree among the rocks and gravels, is the afterlife. The white sand that connects two parts represents the mythical river, where the dead move to the afterlife. Another garden, which reflects the changing sky in the pool, reminds the transience of life.

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The Pavilia Hill

People live with hardly any nature in urban environment, and face various pressures every day, so it is necessary for them to have a healing space at home to release mental and physical stress. There is a Zen word “San Sui Ni Sei On Ari”, which means in nature of mountain and river people can hear clear and pure sound. Under this design concept the design combines the urban elements and the nature elements into one space. Water falling down from celling and expending waves, making it possible to enjoy this space not only visually but also acoustically by hearing the sound.

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Poly Tianhuan

Inspired by traditional Chinese garden typology the project tries to re-generate the characteristics of the Chinese garden into a contemporary design. It aims to create the artificial green hills in the city emphasizing multidimensionality of a generative landscaping system where undulating topographic changes and curvilinearity of the surfaces engenders similar qualities with a purely natural environment. The landscape is designed in a way to be a mediation between inside and outside while expanding itself into the interior maximizing the connectivity between interior and exterior space.

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Riverside Pearl

The design uses the existing topography of “water” and “dam” in the site to create a shoal shape with shocking impact force in the west of Bashan Mountain. Strengthening the natural context, and striving to form a secluded Southern painting scene by combing the terrain of the earth landscape and planting plants. The site construction of modern landscape improves the quality of the city, and finally creates a special space for Nanbu, which integrate the public leisure, image display and festival celebration.

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Shimao Loong Palace

Using natural and fluent language reasonable organization of landscape, courtyard are connected to each other in multiple dimensions, permeated with each other and converted smoothly. Using the vertical strategy skillfully, the 4-meter height difference will be reversed into the highlight and feature of the project, creating a multi-level, artistic, living, natural courtyard landscape.

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